Screens & Cloches Sizes and Options

  • Large Mesh Cloche
    Large Mesh Cloche 900mm x 235mm x 160mm

    Fully enclosed cloche covered in Biomaglia mesh, with both ends being able to be pinned
    Excellent for protecting young seedlings vulnerable to snails or white butterfly
  • Large Plain Screen
    Large Plain Screen 900mm x 235mm x 160mm

    Our most popular plant screen, ideal for protection of more hardy plants from pets and birds.
    Can cover lettuce through to harvest.
  • Small Plain Screen
    Small Plain Screen 900mm x 100mm x 100mm

    Best for using over seed beds in the summer while seeds are germinating and allowing ease of watering.
  • Large Covered Cloche
    Large Covered Cloche 900mm x 235mm x 160mm

    Suitable for frost and heavy rain protection of large vegetable plants.
    The poly cover is UV stabilised.
  • Small Covered Cloche
    Small Covered Cloche 900mm x 100mm x 100mm

    Use for germination of seedlings in early spring or late autumn.
    Poly cover is UV stabilised

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